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Poetry Readings and Storytelling Open Mic

The Poetry Readings and Storytelling Open Mic nights invite poets and short story writers to read and share their works with their community. Writers are encouraged to fill out the online registration form linked below, but may also contact the event coordinator by email for questions and registration. 

Although we except short story readings of all kinds, it should be noted that "Storytelling" refers to the traditional Indigenous art-form of storytelling. These events will feature an Indigenous storyteller alongside the talented youth writers. 


The first open mic is currently planned for August 2018, but the date and location are yet to be decided. If your business would like to host one of these events, either in August or some other time in the future, please contact the event coordinator by email.

If you are interested in donating to our honorarium fund to sponsor these Indigenous acts, or are an Indigenous storyteller interested in performing at an event please contact our Indigenous Acts coordinator by email.

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